Let It Snow Books: Interview with Christi Barth + Giveaway
The second guest in our Week of Fantabulous Contemporary Romance Authors is not an author I have discovered recently, to the contrary I have already read four of her stories and know that her name is guarantee for a feel good, heart-warming romance. So when I heard she would release a Christmas novella I was very glad! :-D Please give a warm welcome to Christi Barth, whose latest release was released in Carina Press' anthology!
Stella: Hey Christi, welcome back to Ex Libris! Let's talk holidays since they are fast approaching. Is there anything special you usually do for the holidays? Any special family tradition?
Christi: On Christmas Eve, my husband likes to turn off all the lights, turn on the tree lights, and look at it while sipping a glass of Bailey's Irish cream It is a way to put all the hustle and bustle behind us and savor the season.
Stella: Do you have any favourite holiday themed stories (movies or books)?
Christi: My classic favorite is . Not just for the songs, but for those amazing red velvet dresses they wear in the finale - I want one! My modern favorite is . I will stop everything to watch that, whenever it comes on - it is terrific. Always makes me well up. And then want to jump up and cheer.
Stella: Could you share with us your favourite holiday meal/dessert/candy?
Christi: Crazy for cranberry anything, which kind of lasts from November-January. Adore snickerdoodles....but then, who doesn't?
Stella: What’s your favourite thing about the holidays?
Christi: Getting to spend extra time with my hubby.
Stella: What’s one of the best gifts you ever received/gave for Christmas?
Christi: I gave my hubby XM radio when it first came out. Something he never would've bought for himself, but discovered that he never would've wanted to live without. He used to be a DJ and is a music-a-holic. He calls it something tangible that expresses a deeper love and understanding of what makes him tick.
Stella: What makes you feel that Christmas time is finally here?
Christi: Pine scented candles. Which I unapologetically burn non-stop for 31 days straight.
Stella: Please complete: Christmas/the holidays wouldn't be the real deal without...
Christi: ...carols blaring non-stop. I have a musical background, and love the fact that December comes with its very own soundtrack.
Stella: Since this whole event is about the Best Books we read in 2012, could you share with us some of your favourite titles you have read this year?
Christi: Definitely Laura Kaye's . I discovered Elisabeth Naughton's amazing and Jessica Andersen's , which I can't race through fast enough. Stephanie Draven's was great, as was the foodie romance .
Stella: We all love Christmas holidays, but I was wondering if there’s anything about them that you find annoying?
Christi: YES - searching for parking in mall garages. Love shopping, don't mind the crowds, but it took me 17 minutes to find a parking spot last weekend. Was ready to treat my tiny Civic Hybrid like a tank and park on top of other cars.
Stella: Let’s say you have the chance to spend the holidays with a fictional character, who would that be and what would you be doing?
Christi: How PG do I have to be? Because I wouldn't mind being with and doing Roarke from the ....
Stella: Lol, I'M sure many fans of the series would agree with you ;-) What would you ask Santa to bring you this year?
Christi: Foreign translation rights in several countries. Just like every author.... :)
Stella: What would be your (bookish or not) New Year’s resolutions, if you make any?
Christi: I tend to make resolutions on my birthday instead (in August). Feels more personal. But three of us did promise to lead more balanced, less hectic writing lives. It hasn't gone well so far (thanks to writing 5 books in 2012), so I'd better reaffirm that vow going forward.
Christi: On Christmas Eve, my husband likes to turn off all the lights, turn on the tree lights, and look at it while sipping a glass of Bailey's Irish cream It is a way to put all the hustle and bustle behind us and savor the season.
Stella: Do you have any favourite holiday themed stories (movies or books)?
Christi: My classic favorite is . Not just for the songs, but for those amazing red velvet dresses they wear in the finale - I want one! My modern favorite is . I will stop everything to watch that, whenever it comes on - it is terrific. Always makes me well up. And then want to jump up and cheer.
Stella: Could you share with us your favourite holiday meal/dessert/candy?
Christi: Crazy for cranberry anything, which kind of lasts from November-January. Adore snickerdoodles....but then, who doesn't?
Stella: What’s your favourite thing about the holidays?
Christi: Getting to spend extra time with my hubby.
Stella: What’s one of the best gifts you ever received/gave for Christmas?
Christi: I gave my hubby XM radio when it first came out. Something he never would've bought for himself, but discovered that he never would've wanted to live without. He used to be a DJ and is a music-a-holic. He calls it something tangible that expresses a deeper love and understanding of what makes him tick.
Stella: What makes you feel that Christmas time is finally here?
Christi: Pine scented candles. Which I unapologetically burn non-stop for 31 days straight.
Stella: Please complete: Christmas/the holidays wouldn't be the real deal without...
Christi: ...carols blaring non-stop. I have a musical background, and love the fact that December comes with its very own soundtrack.
Stella: Since this whole event is about the Best Books we read in 2012, could you share with us some of your favourite titles you have read this year?
Christi: Definitely Laura Kaye's . I discovered Elisabeth Naughton's amazing and Jessica Andersen's , which I can't race through fast enough. Stephanie Draven's was great, as was the foodie romance .
Stella: We all love Christmas holidays, but I was wondering if there’s anything about them that you find annoying?
Christi: YES - searching for parking in mall garages. Love shopping, don't mind the crowds, but it took me 17 minutes to find a parking spot last weekend. Was ready to treat my tiny Civic Hybrid like a tank and park on top of other cars.
Stella: Let’s say you have the chance to spend the holidays with a fictional character, who would that be and what would you be doing?
Christi: How PG do I have to be? Because I wouldn't mind being with and doing Roarke from the ....
Stella: Lol, I'M sure many fans of the series would agree with you ;-) What would you ask Santa to bring you this year?
Christi: Foreign translation rights in several countries. Just like every author.... :)
Stella: What would be your (bookish or not) New Year’s resolutions, if you make any?
Christi: I tend to make resolutions on my birthday instead (in August). Feels more personal. But three of us did promise to lead more balanced, less hectic writing lives. It hasn't gone well so far (thanks to writing 5 books in 2012), so I'd better reaffirm that vow going forward.
Caitlin McIntyre's heart stops when her best friend drops to one knee and proposes. Kyle Lockhart never once hinted over the years that he has any idea she's in love with him. Not wanting to jeopardize their friendship, she's never let it slip. Good thing, too, since it turns out he's only practicing—he's about to propose to someone else.
A business merger might not be the most romantic reason to propose to a woman he barely knows, but Kyle's determined to win the respect of the dying father who's never seen him as quite good enough. Kyle's always depended on Caitlin's friendship, while trying to ignore the physical response she arouses. So he turns to her when it comes time to craft his proposal, not realizing his decision will affect their relationship, forever.
This Christmas, Kyle and Caitlin get one last chance to admit their feelings for each other, and find a mutual happily ever after, before he commits his life to another woman and Caitlin leaves town and him…for good.
Buy at - B&N - Carina Press
Christi has generously offered an ebook copy of to a lucky reader!

To be entered in the giveaway just complete the Rafflecopter form below:
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Giveaway is open worldwide and ends on 5 January 2013!
Good luck!