Character Interview by Shawntelle Madison + Giveaway
I am happy to welcome back to Ex Libris Shawntelle Madison, author of the much praised Coveted urban fantasy series! and today she doesn't come alone: she brings along Nick, sexy white wizard/dreamy hero to give you an exclusive interview with him! Read on and don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end to win a paperback copy of and while it's still free,go and !
Interview with a White Wizard
by Shawntell Madison
Less than a year ago, I interviewed Natalya and now I wanted to take a chance to interview Nic. First of all, thank you, Nick, for allowing me to interview you today. I've learned from readers that you have fans. A lot of them.
Nick: Thanks! I hope I can answer all of your questions.
Shawntelle: How about your tell us about yourself? A brief overview of what you do from day to day?
Nick: Right now, I'm currently working as a clerk for a pawn shop in Brooklyn. The hours are pretty steady, especially during shopping seasons like the holidays. Most of my customers range from other wizards to goblins and the like. Of all the customers I deal with, the goblins are the most underhanded.
Shawntelle: I have to ask, what's it like to be a white wizard?
Nick: It's about as normal to me as being a human is to you. But, if you wanted a standard definition, a wizard is someone who draws upon white magic to protect the innocent and right the wrongs done by others. Don't get me wrong, you won't see me go all Superman vigilante in NY. My people keep to themselves and we are bound to keep the existence of supernaturals a secret. Sadly, the warlocks, who are not bound by the same rules governing the wizard, are perfectly free to make trouble. In terms of what it feels like to cast spells, the closest thing I could offer is this: It's like jumping off a cliff and believing there will water below to keep you from turning into a human pancake. It's all about mind over matter. I see the end result in my mind, therefore it comes about.
Shawntelle: Sounds cool. I won't giveaway what happens in or , so tell me more about your past. Then we'll go more into your group of friends and what you like about them.
Nick: Unlike most of my friends, I'm an only child. My parents passed away when I was younger, but I still have plenty of family on the west coast. I have a lot of wind witch aunts. They tend to be busybodies so I keep to myself. I've always been a loner. Not because I want to be, but, I have "habits" that tend to make it difficult to have personal relationships. The friends I do have truly know me and there aren't many of them.
I'm not the kind of person who discusses his personal business, but I've been in group therapy for five years now. Admitting I have a problem has taken me years. (slight pause). Some days, unless I think about my home, I can momentarily forget I'm a hoarder - not a clean one either. Attending therapy has been beneficial for me. I get to sort out not only my problems, but help my friends as well.
Shawntelle: What's something no one knows about you?
Nick: I've always wanted to have a pet. A nice sized one like a dog or a cat. Maybe it's just the idea though, to be honest. I'd probably have to use magic to keep it clean. Sadly, I've never had the proper living conditions to keep one.
Shawntelle: What is your idea woman? *devilish grin*
Nick: (He smiles back at me.) I've always wanted to be with someone who challenges me as person, yet understands where I'm coming from. I'm not an easy man to befriend, but once you have my friendship, I'll always be there for you.
Shawntelle: What's your favorite dessert?
Nick: I've always been fond of ice cream. A rather messy dessert by my standards, but I love it nonetheless.
Shawntelle: How would you feel about having your story told someday—like Natalya.
Nick: (He laughs.) I'm not sure why folks would want to read it, but I guess there'd be some fun parts in there. I do have big plans for the future beyond working in a pawn shop, so I guess I do have a tale or two to tell.
Shawntelle: We shall see then! Thanks, Nick for your time!
Nick: You're more than welcome. It's been a pleasure. *vanishes into a white light*
Shawntelle Madison is a web developer who loves to weave words as well as code. She’d never admit it, but if asked she’d say she covets and collects source code. After losing her first summer job detassling corn, Shawntelle performed various jobs—from fast-food clerk to grunt programmer to university webmaster. Writing eccentric characters is her most favorite job of them all. On any particular day when she’s not surgically attached to her computer, she can be found watching cheesy horror movies or the latest action-packed anime. She lives in Missouri with her husband and children.
Connect with Shawntelle at her Website / / / Goodreads
Book #1 in the Coveted series
Sometimes what you covet is impossible to keep.
For werewolf Natalya Stravinsky, the supernatural is nothing extraordinary. What does seem strange is that she’s stuck in her hometown of South Toms River, New Jersey, the outcast of her pack, selling antiques to finicky magical creatures. Restless and recovering from her split with gorgeous ex-boyfriend, Thorn, Nat finds comfort in an unusual place: her obsessively collected stash of holiday trinkets. But complications pile up faster than her ornaments when Thorn returns home—and the two discover that the spark between them remains intense.
Before Nat can sort out their relationship, she must face a more immediate and dangerous problem. Her pack is under attack from the savage Long Island werewolves—and Nat is their first target in a turf war. Toss in a handsome wizard vying for her affection, a therapy group for the anxious and enchanted, and the South Toms River pack leader ready to throw her to the wolves, and it’s enough to give anybody a panic attack. With the stakes as high as the full moon, Nat must summon all of her strength to save her pack and, ultimately, herself.
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Book #2 in the Coveted series
Fresh from defending her pack in battle, Natalya Stravinsky, a whip-smart werewolf with a lovable neurotic streak, wants a little rest and relaxation. Once an outcast, she’s now eager to rejoin the ranks of her New Jersey pack, and has even gotten a handle on her obsessive urge to hoard holiday ornaments. Yet Nat barely has time to revel in her progress before the next crisis comes howling at her door.
Nat’s father has suddenly gone missing, captured by the Russian werewolf mafia. And as Nat steps up to save her dad from a mob boss’s deadly game, two men step in to play another round for her heart: her gorgeous alpha ex-boyfriend, Thorn, and her new flame, the sweetly sensitive wizard Nick. With her life growing more harried by the minute, Nat must stay cool, calm, and collected . . . or else risk losing everything.
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Shawntelle is generously giving away a paperback copy of to a lucky commenter!

To be entered just leave a comment for Nick or tell us what you would ask a white wizard, what would you be curious about?
Giveaway is open worldwide and ends on 30 November 2012!
Good luck!