Giveaways at Ex Libris

Win Stealing Home by Jennifer Seasons - Open worldwide - Ends 12 April

Win Protecting What's His by Tessa Bailey - Open worldwide - Ends 12 April

Win the Date by Mistake anthology - Open worldwide - Ends 12 April

Win Operation Cinderella by Hope Tarr - Open worldwide - Ends 12 April

Win a $10 USD Amazon gift card+ choice of book from Erin Nicholas, Kelly Jamieson, Sydney Somers or Meg Benjamin - Open worldwide - Ends 12 April

Win all 5 Strangers on a Train novellas by Ruthie Knox, Serena Bell, Samantha Hunter, Meg Maguire and Donna Cummings - Open worldwide - Ends 19 April

Win Private Practice by Samanthe Beck - Open worldwide - Ends 19 April

Win The Practice Proposal by Tracy March - Open worldwide - Ends 19 April

Win a Kindle Paperwhite by Tracy March - Open to US/CAN - Ends 20 April

Win an iPod + prizw pack by Ophelia London - Open worldwide - Ends 21 April

Win a $50 USD Amazon Gift Card from Jennifer Apodaca - Open worldwide - Ends 23 April

Friday, 12 April 2013

Guest post by Katie Reus + Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to Katie Reus, who is on a blog tour celebrating the release of , the 6th book in her Red Stone Security series! Read on to learn more about the book, read an excerpt and for your chance to win some book by Katie! :-)

Thanks so much to Stella for letting me hang out here today!

With the release of , the sixth story in my Red Stone Security series, I’m so excited she’s letting me celebrate here.

I read and enjoy pretty much all subgenres of romance, but suspense will always be one of my favorites. Probably because it’s the reason I fell so in love with romance in the first place. I read a lot of my mom’s Harlequins growing up, but the first (romance) book I actually remember reading and falling in love with was . The suspense and sexual tension in it are off the charts and I knew I’d stumbled onto something awesome. So it’s probably only natural that once I realized I wanted to be a writer that romantic suspense is the first genre I started in.

Throwing characters into a dire situation full of suspense and danger automatically heightens the tension in a story. Whether it involves a serial killer, stalkers, rogue CIA agents, mafia henchmen, just give me danger and excitement and I’m happy. But while I like a good balance of romance and suspense, in my reading it doesn’t matter if one area is heavier than the other. With some authors I find that I really dig their action-packed non-stop adventures from chapter to chapter, while with others the characterization is so amazing I don’t mind that the suspense aspect is slightly slower paced. Of course, in real life I probably wouldn’t want to deal with what most of the characters I read and write about have to live through, but romantic suspense is such a fun escape. And escape is the reason I read!

What about you? What’s your favorite romance genre to read?

Book #6 in the Red Stone Security series

Iris Tarango is a small-town girl from the wrong side of the tracks; she’s also a decorated former Marine who fought hard to become one of Red Stone Security’s most respected agents. But her perfectly ordered life is turned upside down when she’s assigned to guard the sexy, dominating tycoon she shares a secret history with. The instant Iris walks back into the billionaire’s diamond-studded orbit, the wild attraction flares between them…and her reputation, objectivity, and heart are in trouble.

After an attempt on his life, business magnate Wyatt Christiansen calls in major favors to hire Iris as his bodyguard. He knows she’s the best, though he has another motive, too: he sees this as his final chance to win her heart. But when danger spins out of control, all Wyatt can think of is getting Iris out of harm’s way—even if it means losing her love in the end.

Unfortunately, the killer seems to know their every move. If Wyatt and Iris don’t figure out who put out the hit, they’ll lose more than their chance at happiness together.

Only $0.99! ~ Buy at  - B&N - Kobo - ARe -


This was the last place he wanted to be. He avoided parties like this whenever possible, but he was out of patience where Iris was concerned. He’d waited a fucking month for her to come to her senses—and come back to him. He wasn’t waiting anymore. Not when she belonged with him.

Always had.

He watched her walk away from him, her long, lean body moving with a liquid grace that got him impossibly hot. She’d done that to him since they were teenagers. They’d both grown up in a small Georgia town that might as well have been the middle of nowhere. He’d been the son of the town drunk and her mother had been one of the few Native Americans living there. Because of small-minded, ignorant assholes they’d both been looked down upon because of their families so they’d formed a fast friendship at a young age. When they’d been just ten-years-old he’d caught some redneck boys calling her racist slurs and bullying her on her way home from school. Well, trying to. Before he had a chance to step in and defend her, she decked one of the boys right across the face, breaking his nose and nailed the other in the groin.

Fucking tough.

She’d always been like that and he loved it. Hell, that day he’d fallen a little in love with her. Even if the job she worked now scared the hell out of him, he needed her in his life. Needed her more than his next breath. Wyatt didn’t want her protecting other people, putting herself in danger on a daily basis. He got hives just thinking about it.

Watching her in that skintight black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places as she held onto another man’s arm was making him crazy. She’d secured her silky dark hair back against her neck in a complicated looking twist. It wasn’t for fashion; Wyatt knew that much about his Iris. It was so her hair wouldn’t get in her way if she needed to move fast. But he’d seen it down, had felt it splayed against his bare chest as she slept on him. Dark brown hair that looked midnight black in the right lighting. He craved to run his fingers through it, to cup her head and pull her body tight against his. And what a body—long, lean and perfect. When she was younger she’d been self-conscious about being too thin, but she’d grown into her body and her breasts…he’d been fantasizing about them for a long damn time. A month ago he’d finally had one of his fantasy questions answered when he discovered the color of her nipples; dark brown. He’d also found out her favorite sexual positions and what she sounded and looked like when she came.

Even if he knew it was just part of her job, his possessive side didn’t want to listen to her order. And he actually liked Gene Berr. The man was smart and honest to deal with. The latter was something Wyatt considered very important. He dealt with a lot of sharks in his world—he could be one himself—but he wouldn’t deal with liars. Still, he didn’t like anyone touching Iris.

One of the men he’d noticed earlier, who was definitely part of Iris’s security team, no matter how much he was trying to blend in, eyed Wyatt suspiciously as he strode toward the stairs. The man’s pale blue eyes were a bright contrast against his dark skin. Wyatt guessed the man used that look to intimidate people when he wanted. It was a waste of time on him.

Ignoring him and the others he knew were with Iris, he headed for the stairs, following her and Berr at a distance that wouldn’t make the team feel threatened. He wasn’t interested in the three companies being sold off, but when he’d learned Iris would be here tonight, Wyatt had orchestrated an invite. It was time they figured things out between them.

Once inside the expansive conference room, their host, Palmer Oakes, liked to conduct business in, Wyatt’s gaze immediately tracked Iris. She stood by one of the wood-paneled walls, her alert espresso colored eyes taking in everything and everyone. Assessing and calculating, she was ready to move into action at a moment’s notice. She wavered when her gaze raked over him. Just for a moment, but he had no doubt that he unnerved her.


While he wanted her to acknowledge him a hell of a lot more than that, now wasn’t the time or the place. He gave her a look he hoped she understood. Soon they would talk and he’d have her flat on her back, underneath him, and crying out his name as she climaxed around his cock.

Very soon.

Her dark eyes widened as if she’d read his mind before she glanced away and he felt the loss immediately.

Only $0.99! ~ Buy at  - B&N - Kobo - ARe -

Katie fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom’s stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it. However, she didn’t always know she wanted to be a writer. After graduating summa cum laude with a degree in psychology and working too many jobs she hated, she finally figured things out.

She now spends her days writing dark paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense. Her publishers include Carina Press, Harlequin Nocturne and NAL/Signet Eclipse (Penguin). Regardless of genre, she always includes a happy ending. When she’s not creating stories she loves spending time with her husband and family.

Connect with Katie on / / Website / Blog / Goodreads


Katie is offering up 5 backlist ebooks from her Red Stone Security series (one per the number of stops). The winner can choose from the first five installments as their choice for their prize.

The contest is open internationally, entrants must be 18 years of age, and will run from 12:00am EST 4/8/13 – 11:59pm EST 4/15/13. Winners will be randomly selected and notified via email, as well as displayed on the Rafflecopter widget within 5 days close of the tour. Full terms and conditions can be found on the widget.

Enter the giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Book Review: Sweet Madness by Heather Snow

Title: Sweet Madness
Author: Heather Snow
Series: Book #3 in the Veiled Seduction series
Release Date: 1 April 2013
Publisher: Signet Eclipse
Number of pages: 384 pages
Source: ebook copy provided by publisher through NetGalley
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author's Website, , ,  Book Depository US, Book Depository UKRead an excerpt

Grade: 4 stars

Novellus superbus! 
Goodreads appetizer: There’s a fine line between love and insanity.

An Untamed Mind

Ever since her husband’s sudden and tragic death, Lady Penelope Bridgeman has committed herself to studying the maladies of the mind, particularly treating traumatized soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars. It is this expertise that brings the Marquess of Bromwich’s family to her door.

Gabriel Devereaux’s unexpected and unpredictable episodes are unlike any Penelope has studied. The once proud soldier has been left shaken and withdrawn, but she manages to build a fragile trust between them. Strangely, Gabriel seems completely lucid when not in the grips of his mania, and in the calm between bouts, she is surprised by how much she is drawn to him.

Despite his own growing feelings, Gabriel knows that he is fit for no one, and is determined to keep Penelope away from his descent into madness. But even though she knows firsthand the folly of loving a broken man, Penelope cannot stop herself from trying to save him, no matter the cost.

My Thoughts: I am a huge fan of Heather Snow's Veiled Seduction series (Sweet Enemy was one of my favourite reads of 2012), so I was awaiting April and the release of the 3rd book Sweet Madness impatiently. It is finally here and with this final instalment of the series Heather Snow brings us another unique, intelligent and remarkable heroine.

We have first met Penelope as the airhead but kind socialite cousin of Liliana in Sweet Enemy, but since then many things have happened to her: she fell in love, got married and became a grieving, devastated widow within 6 months of her wedding, and despite her sunny disposition and youth has experienced the darker side of life. Since her loss she has dedicated herself to treating soldiers suffering from battle fatigue (= historical term for PTSD) and other mental problems. That's how she comes to meet again the hero, Gabriel, the cousin of her deceased husband. Gabriel a war veteran has been suffering from episodes and has been locked away in a remote asylum, and Penelope visits him to try to find a cure, a treatment for his bouts of madness and help him recover.

Gabriel was a heartbreakingly tortured hero, his struggles brought tears to my eyes, Heather Snow really put him through a lot. Penelope was much more likeable than I remembered her from Sweet Enemy and her mission to treat emotionally scarred soldiers was truly remarkable (especially how she educated herself in the matter), but despite my admiration and respect for her there was something that hindered my connecting with her, from all three Heather Snow heroines she was my least favourite. I didn't dislike her, I just felt rather indifferent towards her.

I reckon that it is quite brave and challenging to have a mad hero and keep the reader in suspense biting their nails, not knowing whether it is an illness that can be cured or something that he and the heroine will have to live with. In Sweet Madness I suspected the reason behind Gabriel's madness quite from the beginning but when it was confirmed in the end, I found the ending rushed and the resolution of the mystery and the conclusion of the story happening too swiftly.

Once again Heather Snow's writing flew smoothly and was just as captivating and poetic as in her previous books:
“After Michael died, I was . . .” She looked off for a moment, as if searching for the right word. “Devastated,” she finally chose. The way she uttered the word sent a shiver through Gabriel. The inflection in her tone and the desolation that flashed briefly in her eyes rumbled through his heart like thunder after a streak of lightning.

And the enormous amount of research and historical references were amazing. I found the descriptions of the illnesses, their symptoms and their historical treatments fascinating.

Verdict: With Sweet Madness Heather Snow concludes her amazing Veiled Seduction series in style. With another modern and independent heroine who doesn't let the constraints of the period and society limit her, an irresistible and heartbreakingly tortured hero and their sweet and compelling love story Heather Snow captures the reader's attention, interest and heart irrevocably. Due to her captivating and beautifully poetic writing style, Sweet Madness has everything one could want from a great historical romance: depth, suspense, heart and emotional substance. 

Plot: 8/10
Characters 9/10
Writing: 9/10
Ending: 7/10
Cover: 8/10

Review originally posted at Book Lovers Inc.

Order of the series:

Book #1 - Sweet Enemy
Book #2 - Sweet Deception
Book #3 - Sweet Madness



Buy it:

Guest post by Tracy March + Giveaway

You all know what a big fan I am of sport romances, so when I saw that one of Entangled Publishing's brand new release  (the first in the Suddenly Smitten - a new contemporary romance series by Tracy March) featured a sexy baseball player with a heart of gold, I couldn't have been more excited! So please give a warm welcome to Tracy as she stops by to tell us about why she just can't resist athlete heroes, and you might even win some terrific prizes! ;-) 

Who Can Resist a Hot Athlete?
by Tracy March

Not me! When Stella kindly invited me to visit today, she asked me to chat about my favorite subject…EVER—the appeal of the athlete hero! I’ve swooned over many more athletes than Hollywood actors, hands down. No contest. Game over!

David Beckham
So what is it about those athletes that heat up my blood? It’s more than a pretty face, and more than a tightly muscled body fine-tuned to perform reality-defying sports feats. The chiseled faces and hot bodies are a great start, for sure, and the fit of their uniforms are an added bonus. But what gets me most is the intensity of top-level athletes—the incredible commitment to physical fitness and mental discipline that keeps them among the elite in their sport.

Take those incredible attributes and give them to a romance hero, and wanna-be-heroines will line up like eager teenagers at an American Idol audition! What woman wouldn’t want to experience the raw intensity of being involved with an accomplished athlete? Give him some sensitivity, a sense of humor, a dose of humility, a kind heart, and a forgivable flaw or two, and you’ve got an irresistible hero. A little swagger is required, too, but no overblown egos are allowed unless our lovable hero is set to become humble during the story.

Derek Jeter
And many athletes have overcome obstacles that make their journey to greatness that much more intriguing. Perhaps they’ve struggled from an underprivileged upbringing and beaten the odds. Maybe they’ve suffered an injury and fought their way back into competitive shape—or better. This is where their determination comes in to play, and when those athlete heroes get their hearts set on a heroine, nothing will stand in their way. And watch out when they turn on the romance…when they channel all of that intensity, things are bound to get smokin’ hot!

How about you? Are you game for athlete heroes? What about them makes you swoon?

Award-winning author Tracy March writes romantic thrillers influenced by her career in the pharmaceutical field, and her interest in science and politics. She also writes lighthearted romances inspired by her real-life happily ever after.

Look for Tracy's contemporary romance debut, , in March 2013, and her romantic thrillers, , in April 2013, and A SHOT OF RED in spring 2014, all from Entangled Publishing.

Always up for travel and adventure, Tracy has flown in a stunt plane, snowmobiled on the Continental Divide, ziplined in the Swiss Alps, and been chased by a bull in the mountains of St. Lucia. She loves Nationals baseball, Saturday date nights, and Dairy Queen Blizzards—and rarely goes a day without Diet Coke and Cheez-Its.

Tracy lives in Yorktown, Virginia, with her superhero husband who works for NASA. They recently spent two years living in Washington D.C., and enjoy visiting often—especially when the Nats are in town.

Connect with Tracy at her Website -  -  - Goodreads

Book #1 in the Suddenly Smitten series

Liza Sutherland isn’t looking for love. Not from a -auction date she didn’t even bid on and especially not with Nationals first baseman Cole Collins, the guy she obsessed over as an awkward teenager. She won’t get involved with a notorious player, no matter how attractive Cole is.

Cole Collins is up for contract renegotiation, but after too many late-night parties, he’ll need some positive publicity before he can make the roster. His agent, Frank, pitches Liza as the perfect prop…only Cole didn’t account for Liza no longer being just a teenager with a crush. She’s gorgeous and smart and he’s instantly hooked.

When Frank makes Liza a deal she can’t refuse—a bet she will fall in love with Cole or a cool half mil goes to —the game is on. But neither bet on the real feelings that surface. Could a fake fling turn into an official forever?

Read an excerpt

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There are TWO giveaways:

Tour-wide Giveaway

Entangled Publishing has generously offered a Kindle Paperwhite. This giveaway is restricted to residents of USA/Canada only.

To be entered just fill out the Rafflecopter form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog Giveaway

Entangled Publishing has generously offered a Practice Proposal Bracelet for a US/Canada commenter:

and an ebook copy of  to a lucky international commenter!

To be entered just leave a comment and answer Tracy's question: How about you? Are you game for athlete heroes? What about them makes you swoon?

Giveaway is open worldwide and ends on 19 April 2013!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Guest post by Ophelia London + Giveaway

I am happy to welcome back to Ex Libris Ophelia London, who is celebrating the release of , "a love letter to music" contemporary romance story. Read on to learn more about it and for the chance to win some great prizes! ;-) 

Hi Ex Libris! I’m so happy to be back, talking this time about the inspiration behind my new novel, .

I’ve always been interested in Top 40 music. I was making ghetto mixed tapes off the radio when I was eleven. That love has only grown over the years. When I started taking writing seriously, I toyed around with some more mainstream plots, but I kept coming back to the idea of writing about pop music. I thought: why not put all those years of watching celebrity interviews on MTV and VH1’s Behind the Music to work?

At first, I didn’t know what the story was going to be, but I knew I wanted my heroine to be a famous singer. I was in college at the time—around the same age as the character I was going to write about. So I did a lot of thinking about how someone like me might stumble into such a unique career.

The first chapter I wrote was a flashback about how Abby (my main character in the still-budding ) was “discovered.” That scene was eventually cut. I don’t want to give too much away here, because I might release this chapter as a bonus someday… But here is the gist:

During summer break between her second and third years of college, Abby worked as a receptionist at a small recording studio. The owner of the studio was doing some equipment upgrading and needed help testing out the new mikes. Totally inexperienced, Abby found herself standing before a professional sound baffle.

As the owner sat behind the glass, the four studio musicians inside the recording room with Abby asked what she wanted to sing for the mike test. Mind blank, the only song Abby could dig up was “Foolish Heart”—her brother Christian’s favorite. (Coincidentally, “Foolish Heart” was my favorite to sing karaoke at the time! Crazy, right?)

Christian’s favorite—which Abby was convinced reminded Christian of some girl who had dumped him:

When Abby finished singing the song, there was dead silence. Then the other musicians started laughing. Insulted, Abby was about to storm out, ticked off that she’d taken time out of her busy day to help a bunch of laughing apes who had nothing better to do than humiliate her. Only then did the owner of the studio announce that he’d never heard anyone sing like that before, with such pure talent and raw emotion. Abby met her manager Max shortly afterwards, and the rest, as we say, is music history!

Even now, I continue to sing “Foolish Heart” in my car, but so far, no one has discovered me at a stop light and swept me off to Hollywood. Until that time, I’ll live vicariously through Abby.

Do you have any hidden talents? What is something that could make you famous?

Ophelia London was born and raised among the redwood trees in beautiful northern California. Once she was fully educated, she decided to settle in Florida, but her car broke down in Texas and she's lived in Dallas ever since. A cupcake and treadmill aficionado (obviously those things are connected), she spends her time watching arthouse movies and impossibly trashy TV, while living vicariously through the characters in the books she writes. Ophelia is the author of , and . Visit her at . But don't call when The Vampire Diaries is on.

Connect with Ophelia at her Blog / /  / Goodreads

Touted by the tabloids as the biggest rock star of our generation, Abigail Kelly is used to being in the spotlight. But beyond the glam of Hollywood, her world is falling apart. Still reeling from the death of her brother and wilting under the iron fist of Max, her manager, Abby banishes herself to the secluded beaches of Florida for the summer, thinking some anonymity and sunshine are just what she needs. What she finds, instead, is Todd, an ex-marine eager to embrace life after war. Together, Abby and Todd find the balance Abby’s life has been missing.

That is, until Max resurfaces, demanding Abby return to Los Angeles to record her band’s newest album. As the pressures of public appearances, paparazzi, and late-night recordings start to mount, Abby will have to risk everything or lose the life she always dreamed of.

Ophelia London’s ABBY ROAD is a love letter to music—both the kind you cherish and the kind you create—as well as a beautiful love story that proves even when everyone in the world can recognize your face, the only people who matter are those who can see inside your heart.

Read an excerpt

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Ophelia is hosting a big giveaway to celebrate the release of , to be entered just fill out the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway is open worldwide and ends on 22 April 2013!

Good Luck!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Guest post by Samanthe Beck + Giveaway

You might think it is a fairly common occurrence if I tell you that I gobbled up , Samanthe Beck's debut novel in no time, but when I tell you that  shot straight to my favourite stories and became a Favourite Read of 2013 you might take a second look at it, and you'd better. It is a captivating, sizzling story, even more stunning that it comes as a debut novel, so I have very high hopes and expectations from Samanthe Beck's next books! ;-) So without further ado, please give a warm welcome to Samanthe Beck, and get to know the characters of !

Thank you, Stella, for having me at Ex Libris! I’m excited to be here discussing…um… my love of playing doctor. Er…playing a doctor… between the pages of my debut novel, Private Practice, that is. I’m nowhere near a medical expert in real life, and, frankly, I faint at the sight of blood, but for some reason when it came to creating the heroine for my bad boy Tyler Longfoot, I knew it had to be studious, slightly type A Dr. Ellie Swan. Let’s face it, there’s something sexy about doctors. (There’s something sexy about bad boys too, but that’s a whole ‘nother topic)!

Dr. McDreamy in Grey's Anatomy
Whether they’re funny and flawed, like Zoe Hart from Hart of Dixie, or high drama like those glorious ER doc days, or somewhere in the Gray’s Anatomy middle, something draws us to those men and women with the MD after their name. Why? Well, let’s look at why Tyler falls for Ellie…

Where else can he turn at 2:00 a.m. when a Bourbon-fueled Friday night lands him with a jealous drunk’s bullet in his ass? Ellie’s got the skills he needs, (and, as it turns out, he’s got the skills she needs too)!

She’s smart. Tyler’s got street-smarts, and he’s not afraid to use ‘em. But Ellie has a first-class, doctor of medicine, brain behind her big, Bambi eyes—and he’s not afraid of that either.

She values a good study buddy. Yep, she’s accustomed to rigorous academic courses and she knows when it comes to learning, there’s no substitute for hands-on experience. When Ellie decides she needs help mastering the art of bringing a man to his knees, (to win the heart of her long-term crush, Roger Reynolds), she negotiates with Tyler for some one-on-one tutoring sessions.

Dr. Doug Ross in ER
She understands the critical importance of research. When Ellie decides to throw herself into her chosen curriculum, she orders the book, “The Wild Woman’s Guide to Sex.” And she studies that thing like a freaking Rhodes Scholar. Nothing’s off limits for Ellie when it comes to her academic pursuits!

She appreciates the difference between chemistry and biology. Ellie knows what goes where and why…that’s not what she wants Tyler to teach her. She suspects there’s something to passion besides, “tab A fits into slot B.” There’s tempting and teasing and, sometimes, even a little mild torture. Ellie makes no judgments. In fact, when it comes right down to it, she’s more adventurous than big, bad Tyler. She honestly wants to know what makes his knees weak.

How about you? Do you have a weakness for a heroine who’s taken the Hippocratic Oath, or a soft spot for a stud with a stethoscope? What is it you love about those hot docs? Share!

Sam was transfixed from an early age with any tale featuring a handsome prince, a great dress, and, of course, the all-important kiss, and eventually aspired to write her own happily-ever-afters. Naturally, she became a lawyer. The legal world heaved a sigh of relief a few years ago when Samanthe retired from law to take the plunge as a writer.

When not living the glamorous life of a romance author (i.e., chained to her computer), Samanthe keeps busy with the care and feeding of her extremely patient prince-charming of a husband, a not-so-patient ball of energy known as their son, a furry ninja named Kitty, and Bebe, the trash talkin’ Chihuahua. Their love, support, and willingness to eat Pizza Hut three or more times a week enables Samanthe to pursue her literary dreams.

Connect with Samanthe at her Website -  - 

He’ll teach her how to bring a man to his knees…

Dr. Ellie Swan has a plan: open her practice in tiny Bluelick, Kentucky, so she can keep an eye on her diabetic father, and make hometown golden-boy Roger Reynolds fall in love with her. But Ellie has a problem. Roger seeks a skilled, sexually adventurous partner, and bookish Ellie doesn’t qualify.

Tyler Longfoot only cares about three things: shaking his bad boy image, qualifying for the loan his company needs to rehab a piece of Bluelick’s history, and convincing Ellie to keep quiet about the “incident” that lands him on her doorstep at two a.m. with a bullet in his behind.

The adorable Dr. Swan drives a mean bargain, though. If sex-on-a-stick Tyler will teach Ellie how to bring a man to his knees, she’ll forget about the bullet. Armed with The Wild Woman’s Guide to Sex and Tyler’s lessons, Ellie is confident she can become what Roger needs…if she doesn’t fall for Tyler first.


Entangled Publishing has generously offered an ebook copy of  to a lucky commenter!

To be entered just leave a comment and answer Samanthe's question: Do you have a weakness for a heroine who’s taken the Hippocratic Oath, or a soft spot for a stud with a stethoscope? What is it you love about those hot docs?

Giveaway is open worldwide and ends on 19 April 2013!

Good Luck!

Monday, 8 April 2013

The Secret Baby Plot by Jennifer Apodaca + Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to Jennifer Apodaca, whose Entangled debut novel , the first in her Once a Marine heart-warming and steamy new series was released recently in Entangled's Indulgence line (and since then became a bestseller!).  features the "Secret Baby" trope, a trope that divides readers: they either love it or hate it, so I was curious to know why Jennifer chose it and what are the reasons in her opinion for such extreme reactions. So read on to see the results of Jennifer's survey and share your pinion for the chance to win a $50 USD Amazon gift card! 

The Secret Baby Plot
by Jennifer Apodaca

When I decided to write a book featuring a battle hardened former Marine who didn’t think he was capable of love, I knew I had to find the quickest way to cut through a tough alpha man’s defenses, and came up with a secret baby plot. Children reach deep into our primitive side and invoke a need to protect and nurture. I knew this plot would help Adam, the hero of , deal with his deep pain and find his ability to love.

After I made that decision, I quickly discovered that people love and hate secret baby plots. I did a little survey of a few readers on my FB and Twitter pages, and here’s what I discovered.

Why readers love them:

1) A baby raises the stakes in the plot. It’s not just the hero and heroine’s future at stake but a child’s as well. That adds emotional depth and tension.

2) There’s a curiosity factor involved. In , the story opens when the child is two years old. So readers are left wondering, what happened? How did the hero and heroine care about each other enough to create a child, then the heroine decided not to tell her the hero? It leaves readers wondering why? And how do these two overcome something that big to find their happily ever after?

3) Second chances. A secret baby story is an opportunity for two people who cared about each other in the past get a second chance at love.

4) Readers love seeing an alpha man, a man who is often used to command and control, thrown the curve ball of a child. And one they didn’t know about? That’s going to set off a few fireworks. It’s both fun and emotional to watch the tough guy melt for his child. (And the child’s mother!)

5) A man with a baby is sexy on a whole new level for a lot of women. As you can see in this quick clip from , Megan is stunned by Adam strolling in and sweeping their son into his arms. She sees a whole new side of the man she thought she knew:

“Cole, leave the dog food alone.” Megan set down her untouched coffee and headed for the boy. He’d scooped up a handful of the dry food and was lifting it to his mouth.

She hurried across kitchen, knowing she’d be fishing it out of his mouth. Again.

“Cole,” she warned at the exact instant Adam entered the room. He scooped Cole up with one arm and caught his fist clutching the food in the other. “I don’t think so, C-Man.”

Cole’s eyes widened. He stared at Adam in surprise.

Megan halted halfway across the kitchen. Seeing Cole in Adam’s arms…it made her chest ache with the beauty of it. Adam wore only low slung sweatpants, and his chest and arms were bare. That alone was a pretty amazing sight. But holding their two year old son…

Adam squatted down. “Put the dog food back.”

Cole opened his hand, letting the kibble fall back into Ellie’s bowl.

Adam smiled and stood. “There’s your mom.” His gaze locked onto hers. “Does he eat anything besides dog food?”

She couldn’t think of an answer. Adam just looked so…hot. Mussed hair, stubbled jaw, heavy tawny-colored eyes, hoisting Cole around the kitchen. He opened the fridge and crinkled his nose in an exaggerated sneer. “Chick food.”

“Chick food.” Cole parroted, enjoying himself as he bounced in Cole’s arms.

“Got any man food?”

Cole nodded. “Man food.”

What happened to dark and pissed-off Adam? She knew this Adam—funny, charming, and sexy—but she hadn’t seen that side of him since the fundraiser gala. “Man food would be food men search out and prepare.” She gestured to the kitchen. “Have at it.”

Adam grinned at Cole. “I believe we were just challenged. I don’t suppose you know how to cook?”

Cole giggled.

Adam ruffled the boy’s hair, then went back to the fridge and pulled out eggs and milk.

Those are some of the reasons readers love secret baby stories. But they aren’t for everyone. I chatted with a few readers who didn’t care for the troupe. Here is some of what they said:

1) The secret baby plot is based on a lie. Not only lie, but one that involves a child. In fact, that was something I was very conscious of while writing . For me it all comes down to what motivated the characters and their decisions. If they can see their mistake and do everything in their power to right it, then I’m able to forgive them. Some readers just don’t want to go there, and I respect that.

2) Some readers aren’t interested in a plot centered around a baby and the circumstances of the child’s conception. That is truly a matter of taste and completely valid.

3) Not everyone wants children in their romance books at all. While some love it, others are looking for escape from their everyday life. Again, that’s valid.

So that’s pretty much the rundown of responses I got when I asked readers what they thought. Now I’d love to hear your opinion on secret baby plots. Do you love them or skip them?

Award winning author Jennifer Apodaca grew up in Southern California and met her very own hero at the dog pound. She worked there, he came in on a business, and it was puppy love. They married and had three wonderful sons.

While her husband worked on his master’s degree, Jen did the mom thing by day and went to college at night with the intention of perusing a marketing degree. But her true passion was writing. With time at a premium, she had to make a choice. 

Choosing writing, and with the full support of her husband, she poured herself into her dream. A mere eight years later, she published her first book DATING CAN BE MURDER. In her career, Jen has written a fun and sexy mystery series and a variety of contemporary romances. Taking the pen name of Jennifer Lyon, she also created a dark, sizzling paranormal series, and most recently, The Plus One Chronicles, an emotional and sexy adult contemporary series.

Jen has achieved many of her dreams except for attaining a self-cleaning house, a latte delivery service, and finding the holy grail of nonfattening wine and chocolate. She can live with those disappointments as long as she can keep writing the stories she loves to share with readers.

Connect with Jennifer at her

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Book #1 in the Once a Marine series

Seeing Adam Waters is the last thing veterinarian Megan Young expects. Ex-Marine. Ex-boyfriend. And still extremely dangerous territory. But Adam doesn’t know the secret Megan has been keeping from him. The secret that was created three years ago, after their last night together...

Adam returns to Raven’s Cove to sell his home in a final break with the town and memories that haunt him. The problem is that his attraction to Megan is as blazing hot as it ever was. But when a vicious smear campaign against Megan turns ugly, Adam learns the truth he never knew—he has a son.

Now the only way Megan can protect her child is to strike a bargain with Adam. And it’s a bargain that looks a lot like blackmail...

Read an excerpt

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Sunday, 7 April 2013

Cover Reveal: She's the One by Erin Nicholas

You all know what a huge fan I am of Erin Nicholas' Bradfords series, so I wanted to share with you some fabulous news that had me jumping up and down: Erin is writing a Bradfords spin-off series and it will be released soon-ish. ;-) So read on to discover her brand new Counting on Love series, June can't be here soon enough! :-D

I’m very excited to announce that I’m starting a new series this summer! Counting On Love is a spin-off series from my Bradfords series and starts June 11th with She’s the One.

You met Conner Dixon in Just For Fun, Just A Kiss and the series epilogue, Just What I Need. Well, now you’re going to get to know Conner a lot better! :-D In fact, a lot better than Conner would really like!

Conner has four younger sisters. That's right... FOUR. Younger. Sisters. Beautiful, sassy... you know, all of that.

So, what's worse than having your little sister fall for one of your friends? How about if ALL FOUR of them do it?

Amanda, the oldest of the girls, is the heroine of book one, She’s the One. Her hero is paramedic, Ryan Kaye, who works with Conner… and the Bradford guys. Yes, there are a few cameo appearances :-) (June 11, 2013)

Isabelle, sister number three, stars in book two, It Takes Two. Her guy is cop, Shane Kelley. Shane knows all of the guys because of several accident scenes and he plays on the amateur football league team, the Omaha Hawks, with Conner, Ryan, and the other guys in the series. (September 2013)

Emma, the second sister (and the most trouble of all!) is with trauma surgeon, Nate Sullivan (also a member of the Hawks) in book three, Best of Three. (November 2013)

Olivia, the baby, is the heroine in book four, Going for Four with hunky firefighter, Cody Madsen, the Hawks’ star running back. (February 2014)

And Conner's girl is Gabby, in book five, Up By Five. That's right, we had to torture Conner through four books before he gets all he deserves! :D (April 2014)

I hope you’ll mark June 11th on your calendar and join me in this new fun, sexy series!

You can follow along with the releases, behind the scenes info and participate in contests and giveaways by 


She 's the One by Erin Nicholas

Book #1 in the Counting on Love series

Sometimes you see love clearly. And sometimes it has to smack you in the face.

When a stranger walks up and punches him, Ryan Kaye assumes there’s a good reason. But, he’s surprised to learn it’s over a night that never happened. With his friend’s sister. A one night stand isn’t straight-laced Amanda’s style, so she’s got some explaining to do.

Amanda Dixon knows all about the emotional ups and downs of loving someone while simultaneously wanting to strangle them—she’s got three beautiful, spirited younger sisters. Until they’re settled down, she’s not looking to add anyone her list of commitments. Not even a really nice guy who thinks she hung the moon. Trying to let him down easy, she tells him she’s fallen head over heels for another man—hot paramedic, Ryan Kaye.

As a general rule, Ryan stays far away from anything complicated. But he definitely wants to know what’s going on with Amanda. When Ryan confronts her about the lie, she apologizes, but Ryan realizes he doesn’t want her to be sorry. He wants the night they supposedly spent together.

Amanda is shocked—and excited—by Ryan’s proposition. One night to go crazy and have some fun? She can certainly think of worse ideas… like falling in love with him.

Warning: Contains a hot paramedic who knows how to get a girl to let her hair down, a girl who thinks she prefers her hair up, some naughty laser tag, some naughty role-playing and a lot of falling in love.

Erin Nicholas has been reading and writing romantic fiction since her mother gave her a romance novel in high school and she discovered happily-ever-after suddenly went a little beyond glass slippers and fairy godmothers! She lives in the Midwest with her husband who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books, her kids who will never read the sex scenes in her books, and family and friends who say they’re shocked by the sex scenes in her books (yeah, right!).

You can reach Erin at her official websiteblog,  and .

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